Counter Bullying
Bullying is when individuals or groups seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce someone who is perceived to be vulnerable (Oxford English Dictionary, 2021) Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Bullying can involve people of any age and can happen anywhere – at home, school, or using online platforms and technologies (cyberbullying). This means it can happen at any time. Bullying encompasses a range of behaviours which may be combined and may include a variety of behaviours and actions.
In this course, you will learn:
- How to create and sustain a safe environment and clear boundaries
- Identify the forms of bullying
- Gain the skills to recognise incidents or indications of bullying and how to deal with them
- Understand the impact of bullying
- Be aware of online bullying
- Bullying and sexual harassment
- Responding to bullying and allegations or concerns of a bullying nature
- The needs of those who are victims of, bystanders and responsible for bullying behaviours.
- Promoting positive relationships.
- Bullying in the workplace
- Identify the differences between Bullying and relational Conflict
- Implementing your anti-bullying policy